Accommodation FAQs

Student FAQs

Do I need to communicate with my instructors about my addommocations?

Yes, communication with your instructors important when using your accommodations? You need to communicate with your instructors about when you’re using your accommodations, so that they are aware.  

What do I do if my instructor isn’t honoring my accommodations?

If you encounter any difficulty with an instructor not providing your accommodation or trying to change it, please contact your accommodation specialist or the SDC as soon as possible. The SDC staff will assist with resolving the issue. 

What if I submit my Accommodation Letter Request Form after the semester has started?

Accommodation letters can be requested at any point in the semester. However, accommodations are not retroactive. The accommodations are only in place from the date on the accommodation letter forward. If you forgot to submit a request for your accommodation letters you can still do so, just know the accommodations will only be in place from that point forward. 

I forgot to schedule my exam with the Accessible Testing Center, what do I do?

If you forgot to schedule your exam and it’s less than seven days away, please contact the Accessible Testing Center to see if they have any availability to still get you scheduled.  

Can I tell my instructor about my disability?

It is up to each student to decide if they want to share specific information about their disability with their instructors. You are allowed to share as much or as little as you’d like with your instructors. Sometimes sharing some information about your disability can be helpful with self-advocacy. It allows instructors to better understand you and your needs. Instructors should not ask for specific disability information.

Do the clubs or organizations I join know that I work with your office automatically?

Student organizations will not automatically know about your association with the SDC. We only share this information with instructors or other relevant staff. If you’d like to share this information with a student organization, you are more than welcome to

Will these accommodations impact my ability to graduate or go to graduate school?

Use of accommodations will not directly impact your ability to graduate. Using accommodations provides you with equal access to university programs and services. If given the proper access and opportunity you have the same opportunity to graduate as non-disabled students

Information about your accommodations or association with the SDC is not recorded on your transcript. Graduate schools or other institutions will not know this information unless you choose to disclose it to them

Faculty FAQs

Why are certain accommodations more extensive or nuanced?

When we determine accommodations, we do it on a case-by-case basis based on each individual student and their needs. Students can have multiple disabilities, so we set up accommodations based on what the student needs to have equal access to participate in classes.  

Am I required to automatically apply extra testing time for online classes or online exams/quizzes?

Yes, if you are using online exams/quizzes in your course you will need to automatically go in and update the exam/quiz time based on the accommodations the student is approved for.  

I don’t think a student will be successful with their accommodations, do I still need to provide them?

Yes, accommodations are put in place to provide a student with equal access to the course. This does not guarantee the student will be successful. Accommodations are meant to level the playing field so each student can create their own success. 

What do I do if a student requests additional accommodations that are not on the accommodation letter?

Any flexibility or support beyond what is outlined on the accommodation letter is at the discretion of the instructor. The SDC encouraged faculty to provide any support to students that they can. Faculty can also refer students to the SDC to discuss adjusting their accommodations.  

What if a student's behavior is disruptive to class?

While some students with disabilities may need to occasionally leave the room or stand instead of sit, they are expected to be not be disruptive. Any behavior that is unacceptable for students in general, is unacceptable for students with disabilities as well. All students are held to the same code of conduct and are subject to the same disciplinary procedures. However, some students may exhibit behaviors that are not typical, e.g., asking many questions, that may

Is the student's disability information and medical documentation confidential?

Yes! Instructors and teaching assistants must maintain a policy of confidentiality about the identity of a student, the nature of the disability and the accommodations required.