Student Accommodation Tips and Tricks

The information on this page provides useful tips and tricks for using your accommodations. 

General Info: 

  • Using your testing accommodations is decided on a case-by-case basis by you. To use your testing accommodations, you need to schedule with the Alternative Testing Center (ATC) in advance. Scheduling in advance is required, so your instructor can coordinate getting all the quiz/exam materials to the ATC. 


  • At the beginning of the semester, review your syllabi and create calendar reminders for your quiz/exam dates. 
  • Set a reminder 8 days before the quiz/exam day so you make sure to schedule with the Alternative Testing Center on time. 
  • Download GlobalProtect VPN and DUO before you start classes. 


  • Schedule your whole semester of quizzes and exams once you get your syllabus! 
  • You can schedule as early as you want, but you just can’t schedule late. 

General Info:

  • Deadline extensions accommodations are intended for use when access barriers related to your disability arise. They do not apply to non-disability related events, such as childcare needs, work, travel, or weddings/funerals, etc. 


  • Connect with your professor in each class as soon as possible in the beginning of each semester by email, phone, video call, or in person to establish a communication plan (see a sample below). 
  • Employ self-care strategies to manage stress, which may impact sleep, eating habits, memory, focus, concentration, and overall learning. 


  • Create a template email addressed to each professor and save it in your draft folder. You can use the template email below as a starting point. When you are unable to make it to class due to your disability, all you have to do is send the template email instead of creating a brand new one when you feel unwell or are incapacitated. 

Sample Communication Plan:

Hello Professor [Name], 

I saw that you received my accommodation letter on [date] and I would like to set up a plan for communication with you this semester. It is helpful if we can start with the following information: 

  • What is your preferred communication method for when I need to notify you when I need to use my accommodation? (e.g. email, phone, text, MS teams chat) 
  • Due to the nature of my disability, I may not be able to give you advance notice when I miss an assignment deadline. However, it is still important that we are on the same page. What is your expectation of timeliness in communicating my need for deadline extensions related to my disability? (e.g. within 24-48 hours (about 2 days) of class, within the week, within the semester)? 

I look forward to working with you and learning in your course. Thank you. 

[Student Name 
Course & Section Number] 

Sample Email to Professors: 

Hi Professor [Name], 

I will miss/have missed today’s assignment deadline due to my disability and will utilize my deadline extension accommodation. I will make this up within the timeframe we established. 

Thank you, 

[Student Name 
Course Name & Section] 



General Info:

  • Attendance flexibility accommodations are intended for use when access barriers related to your disability arise. They do not apply to non-disability related events, such as childcare needs, work, travel, or weddings/funerals, etc. 


  • Connect with your professor in each class as soon as possible in the beginning of each semester by email, phone, video call, or in person to establish a communication plan (see a sample below). 
  • Employ self-care strategies to manage stress, which may impact sleep, eating habits, memory, focus, concentration, and overall learning and class attendance.  


  • Create a template email addressed to each professor and save it in your draft folder. You can use the template email below as a starting point. When you are unable to make it to class due to your disability, all you have to do is send the template email instead of creating a brand new one when you feel unwell or are incapacitated. 

Sample Communication Plan:

Hello Professor [Name], 

I saw that you received my accommodation letter on [date] and I would like to set up a plan for communication with you this semester. It is helpful if we can start with the following information: 

  • What is your preferred communication method for when I need to notify you when I need to use my accommodation? (e.g. email, phone, text, MS teams chat) 
  • Due to the nature of my disability, I may not be able to give you advance notice when I miss class. However, it is still important that we are on the same page. What is your expectation of timeliness in communicating my need for attendance flexibility related to my disability? (e.g. within 24-48 hours (about 2 days) of class, within the week, within the semester)? 
  • Sometimes I may unpredictably miss a class during which an exam, quiz, presentation or other graded activity may occur. How should we plan for this if this occurs? (e.g. make up the activity within 24-48 hours?) 

I look forward to working with you and learning in your course. Thank you. 

[Student Name 
Course & Section Number] 

Sample Email to Professors:

Hi Professor [Name], 

I will miss/have missed today’s lecture/assignment deadline due to my disability and will utilize my attendance flexibility accommodation. Since I missed class, I also missed [quiz/exam/participation/etc.] and will make this up within the timeframe we established. 

Thank you, 

[Student Name 
Course Name & Sect

General Info:

  • Alternative presentations allow you to utilize a presentation that works best for your disability. It is crucial to work with your instructor to find a format that will meet the requirements of the assignment and your needs. 


  • Look over your syllabus at the beginning of the semester and identify any presentations you will need to utilize your accommodations on. 
  • Identify your instructor’s preferred method of communication and reach out to them to talk about the assignment 
  • Continue to check in with the instructor about the presentation as the assignment’s due date comes closer.  


  • Provide options to your instructor of formats that have worked in the past for you.  
  • If you and your instructor are struggling to find a solution, reach out to your accommodation specialist so you all can work together. 

Sample Communication Plan:

Hello Professor [Name], 

I saw that you received my accommodation letter on [date] and I would like to set up a plan for communication with you this semester. It is helpful if we can start with the following information: 

  • What is your preferred communication method for when I need to notify you when I need to use my accommodation? (e.g. email, phone, text, MS teams chat) 
  • Due to the nature of my disability, I may not be able to give presentations in the traditional format. 
  • I would like to meet to discuss alternative formats for [assignment title] proactively so we both know what is expected of me to complete.  

I look forward to working with you and learning in your course. Thank you. 

[Student Name 
Course & Section Number] 

General Info:

  • Confusion and conflict can come up for both students and instructors. Please remember that if you encounter any issues with instructors not providing your accommodations, you should contact the SDC or your Accommodation Specialist as soon as possible. Instructors cannot deny or change your accommodations on their own. There are some instances where accommodations may need to be adjusted due to the fundamental nature of a course. If your accommodations need to be adjusted for a specific class, that notification will come from the SDC. 


  • Reach out to your specialist immediately if you encounter any type of concern. 
  • If the concern has happened over email messaging, provide your specialist with the email chains, Canvas messages, or account of your experience. 
  • Take care of yourself. Situations like these can cause a large amount of stress, so utilizing mindfulness to stay grounded can be helpful as you make decisions on how to proceed. 


  • If your concern happened in-person, you can always follow-up in an email to your specialist to discuss it or respond to the instructor with follow-up clarification. 
  • Email can be a helpful communication tool but responding in our moment of stress/frustration can make for some unintended impacts.  
  • Have a friend review the email before you send it. 
  • Draft the email response, take a break, and review it again after you feel more regulated. 

Sample Email to Professors:

Hi Professor [Name], 

Today in class you had mentioned [specific situation/information]. This did cause some confusion for me. Would you be able to clarify again for me? 

Thank you, 

[Student Name 
Course Name & Section]